Victor-picture-878x1024Victor Rodriguez

Reverend Victor M. Rodriguez is an ordained minister and prophet, called and gifted by God to flow in the Office of the Prophet as well as with an Apostolic mandate to bring the Body of Christ and the saints back to God under the Elijah’s spirit and prophetic gifting. He is also sent by God as a Prophet to the nations and one of the Lord’s last day Plumbline and a visionary and pioneer. He is used by God to bring the church in these last days under a Jehu’s anointing to break and dismantle Jezebel’s kingdom and destroy her high places and false gods.

Reverend Rodriguez is the Chairman and founder of Diamonds Of Glory Ministries (a qualified IRS Section 501 C3 non-profit organization) based in Holland, Michigan, USA. The ministry was entrusted personally by God to change lives through Evangelism and Prophetic Impact. He was born in Puerto Rico and is a Latin American. He and his wife Pauline are currently living in Michigan and they travel extensively to the Asia Pacific regions to minister the word of the God.

The entire ministry’s foundation is being based on the following scriptures: 

Ephesians 5:25-27 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word, that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. 

Deuteronomy 6:5 You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. 

1 John 4:8 God is Love 

The strength of the servant since the beginning of his calling has been empowered by the following word: 

Isaiah 40:31 But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint. 

Victor operates in the office of the Prophet bringing prophetic revelation and prophetic insight to the body of Christ (being used by God in these last days as a Prophet and a Plumb-line to the nations, bringing correction and warning to the body of Christ as well as restoration to the back sliders and converting new believers into the Kingdom), and equipping the saints of God to understand who they are in Christ in order to forcefully advance the Kingdom of God, through powerful Word ministry followed by signs and wonders. Healing and deliverance, setting the captives set free, bringing souls to the kingdom, water baptizing new believers and baptism of the holy spirit even in the lives of young children as young as 7years to 10 years old speaking in tongues were among the miracles and signs and wonder that accompanied during the services.

Victor has ministered within the United States of America and travelled extensively throughout the nations. 

Victor has been hosted to do Evangelistic Crusades, Miracle & Healing Crusades, Revival Meetings, Pastors & Leadership Conferences, Youth Camps & Pastor Retreats, training and equipping cell group leaders in becoming front line leaders and also teaching Pastors & church leaders and cell group leaders in the laying of the hands and helping them to activate their gifts. 

He is also used powerfully by God in the area of deliverance (binding and loosing ministry). Victor has also appeared on TCT Christian Television program in the U.S., TV Cable Christian Program in Australia and helped to start an English Christian program at Hope College 89.9FM in Holland, Michigan. He was invited to be the speaker at bible school graduation. He was also hosted to speak to 1100 students at University of Western Cape, Capetown in South Africa, and also had the privilege to speak to the athletes who represented the nation of South Africa at the Athens Olympic Games 2004. Victor also brings food, clothing, and medical supplies to the poor in India. He has ministered to people with leprosy in the City of Dome in India and spent a considerable amount of time with those people with leprosy. 

Prophet Rodriguez is a simple man with a generous heart who desires to be with the underprivileged and the marginalized.









Pauline Rodriguez

Pauline Rodriguez carries a tremendous knowledge and skill as an human resource executive and office administrator.  A self-directed woman whose experience and insight as an executive has proven excellence in the discipline she served.

Pauline has been affiliated with the Assembly of God Churches since 1990. She has been travelling with her husband Reverend Rodriguez to the nations namely Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands (Western Samoa, American Samoa and Fiji), South Africa and United States of America. She has been used mightily by God to declare His word and to encourage the body of Christ to walk in holiness and in purity as well as having a deeper walk and deeper relationship with God. Pauline has also been gifted by God in bringing restoration to women and also to the broken hearted. Pauline has also ministered to Women’s Fellowship, Revival Meetings, Cell Groups as well as Cell Group Leaders and being used powerfully by God in the ministering of Altar Calls with young children being baptised with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues through the laying of the hands.

Equipping and discipling the saints on the basic principles of life in the Kingdom of God as well as an overall insight on how we should serve with a purpose in His Kingdom.

Pauline has also served her community in Singapore (where she grew up) for 5 years with the Singapore After-Care Association (Prison Ministry) as an after-care officer providing counselling session and re-integrating the ex-offenders back into the Society.

She is committed to working with the elderly and helping out the needy and working with the under privilege as well as the children.

Pauline is a living testimony of the healing power of God. She has been many times healed from infirmities from Scoliosis, Auto Immune Disorder, Alopecia Totalis, knees problem and Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count) through the power of the name of Jesus.



Jayanti Visvalinkam

Missionary/A teacher of the Word

Jayanti Visvalinkam has over 25 years experience as a medical personnel, hospital manager and educator. Expertise in areas ranging from nursing to business administration to marketing health products and services as well as recruiting and training and development of staff.

A Registered Nurse who graduated from Malaysia in 1986, who has invaluable experience in all the disciplines in health from general to critical care nursing and management. Since 1995 till the year 2005, Jayanti worked in the capacity of a supervisor and Manager and managed hospitals in New Zealand. She went on to pursue further her vocation into fulltime ministry work travelling the nations and finally joined the Diamonds of Glory Ministries since 2009 until the current period of time partnering in the company Diamonds of Glory Ministries Limited.

With the expertise of knowledge base with nursing and administration and counseling skills and teaching credentials successfully led teams in the nation to develop not only spiritually but in the corporate world.

She has travelled to the nations namely India, Mozambique Africa, Philippines and Canada and ministered there in the capacity of a missionary and teacher of the word.

She travelled to Mozambique, Africa, as a medical missionary and as well as to rural Northern part of India. She ministered in the crusades and helped in a malnutrition clinic and educating mothers who came to the clinic in Mozambique .

As a volunteer to India, Jayanti demonstrated all the potentials in healthcare delivery and standards and as an administrative consultant in a mission hospital.  She has trained nurses and nurse leaders in the mission based hospitals. She is very passionate about nursing and her medical profession. Her desire is to be involved in global initiatives and disaster relief programmes. Her potentials are not limited to medical missions but she is very passionate to empower and build people spiritually.  Her utmost desire is to serve God and make a difference in people’s lives.